Nader Nadernejad on How to Make Six Figures Passive Income Online Teaching

Nader Nadernejad is the director of Nadernejad Media, a Toronto-based marketing agency (, but digital marketing isn’t the only thing he does.

He also teaches over 25,000 students on education platforms like Udemy and Skillshare.

In one year, he built a passive income stream through online teaching.

“I love it because I can teach marketing to students and use the revenue from my online courses to fund all of the ads for Nadernejad Media. It allows me to pump thousands of dollars into ads each month and gain even more clients. That means I never have to pay for advertising out of pocket,” says Nadernejad.

Nadernejad says his organic reach is also high, which means he doesn’t need ads, but still continues to use them to grow faster.

“It’s about growing as fast as possible at this point. The sky’s the limit.”

Nadernejad says the best way to make passive income online teaching is to get started on teaching platforms first.

“Don’t go all in on creating a course website first. Teach some courses on platforms like Udemy and Skillshare and see what students like. That way you won’t have to worry about driving ads to the site or marketing. You’ll just get to practice making courses and you’ll get sales organically.”

Nadernejad says your future goals could be to expand to your own website and build you own email list.

“Once you get used to what works, you can create your own online education website and drive qualified traffic there to make sales.”

Sites like Udemy use a lot of discounting so while you may make hundreds or thousands of sales, you’ll likely only profit a few dollars each sale unless you create a coupon code.

If you create your own site, you could sell courses for thousands of dollars each if you wanted to.

“My last tip is to keep creating content. Work on building new courses every day, create a minimum of 5 course videos a day. Just keep doing it. Keep pushing and you’ll notice that you outpace your competitors and flood the marketplace.”

Nadernejad says he plans to continue making courses, to niche down on particular aspects of marketing and to continue growing his client base at Nadernejad Media.

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