5 International Marketing Tips For Business Professionals

Does your market niche go beyond your national frontiers? If so, what marketing tactics are you using to bring in the leads? Indeed, the global market offers new hurdles for local specialists. But, if your brand is flexible, you can turn any problem into an opportunity. 

So, check out these five international marketing tips that every business expert should know about:

Challenges of International Marketing

Unlike localized marketing, global marketing is about competing with other brands on the world stage; some you may not even know that they exist. Hence your sales and marketing campaign is for anyone who has the potential to be your customer.

Second, there is more government interference in international marketing. And, if you are operating in more than two countries, then this challenge can be enormous. 

For example, do you need proof of trade compliance when you export your products or services? Third, you will spend more resources to appeal to international markets. But, the use and sharing of technology can help you ease your budget.

Fourth, customer diversity means that you must come up with more marketing campaigns to suit the different segments, tastes, preferences, and habits. Finally, the foreign market is unfamiliar territory. Any business professional expanding beyond his home ground must do lots of market research.

1. Change Your Marketing Perspective

Yes, you are dealing with global customers now. Your decisions should factor in the unique demands for such sectors. Then, invest in market research. Learn what sells and what is slow in your target market. How is the political climate? 

Does the government encourage foreign investment and entrepreneurship? Or, will you have to pay hefty levies to bring in your products and services? The bottom line is; you must have an in-depth understanding of your international market before you come up with a working marketing strategy.

2. First Impressions Matter

Most potential customers decide whether to buy your goods and services or not within the first few seconds of interacting with you. Then, ensure you create a lasting first impression. For example, if you have a sales pitch to make via a video conference, be there on time. 

Use the meeting to demonstrate your in-depth understanding of your customer’s needs. Use the right body language. Remember, as you cross borders, some words or gestures take on a different meaning. 

Hence, be cautious not to appear offensive. Finally, know the value you are adding to your customers and believe in yourself.

3. Use International Content Marketing

That’s right. You have to adjust your content marketing styles to suit your international customers. That is, your existing content must speak in your customer’s language. For example, are you using podcasts or YouTube videos to connect to your audience? 

The audience feedback matters. Use it to come with custom episodes that offer working solutions. Plus, you may have to deal with cultural differences and restrictions. Also, use local figures in all your advertising so that your customers can relate to your message.

4. Guard Your Form of Communication

What channel of communication are you using to relay your message to your global audience? Is it clear and straight to the point? Or, must your audience spend time trying to figure out what you are saying? For sure, your marketing campaign is as good as your communication technique. 

Then, invest in trans-creators who will translate your ideas in a language and a tone that is acceptable to your target audience. 

Pick the right visuals, audios, and messaging campaigns for your market. Then, know the best time to convey your message. Finally, use analytical tools to measure how well you perform in passing your information to your customers.

5. Plan for The Future

To survive in international markets, you must have plans for the future. The same applies to your global marketing strategies. Is your strategy sustainable? Can you scale your ideas to meet future demands? If not, you need to revise your marketing approaches. 

Hence, to be sustainable, invest in technologies that can be upgraded in the future. Next, create content that is in line with your customer’s journey. This way, you will grow with your customers. Also, check for any inefficiencies in your approaches. 

For example, are you into too much paperwork that is exhausting to your customers? Or, maybe you have too many levels of decision making in your organization that make it hard to respond to customer queries on time?


As you come up with your international marketing strategy, take into account the foreign laws that will impact your operations. Examine your branding style and ensure that it appeals to the global market. Next, plan ahead. 

Here, you need to have a fund to cushion you from any market volatility. Finally, make your payment systems as seamless as possible. It is the revenue figures that will show how successful you are with your strategies.

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