3 Tips to Creating a Yard Sign People Can’t Ignore:

Everybody knows that there are countless ways to market your business in your local area. You can use Facebook,  use a website, or pass out flyers; but one method that not many people talk about to generate leads for your business is to use yard signs.

Using yard signs is a convenient, cost-effective way to drum up business exactly in the areas that you are looking to service, and do so more affordably than if you sent out postcards. Yard signs also don’t come with the technical skill needed to run effective email or social media campaigns. The only downside of using yard signs as your primary means of generating new leads is that there are many ways to create signs that do not work as effectively right out of the box.

The first step is to not confuse anyone by creating a sign that does not have a definite purpose. The dimensions of the yard sign should be at least 1 feet tall by 18 inches wide, if not larger. As potential customers will need to be able to see the relevant details quickly, lettering and font need to be as big and simple as possible.

The most effective way to print yard signs is to use a white background with dark colored text. The most relevant details that are needed to communicate to the customer are: exactly what service you provide, followed by your phone number on the next line, followed by any website information on the third line. There is no need to prepend your website information with a “WWW” in this day and age.

Use your discretion when deciding whether or not to put your specific company name on the first line, or to use a more generic term, like “Lawn Care”. Space does matter, so every letter or number is valuable. When you’re choosing an area to put down yard signs, location is of the utmost importance.

Make sure that you stay within the rules and regulations of the city and county that you are in, and also expect that there will be some turnover where signs that you put up the previous day will disappear the next day. Place particular emphasis on the importance of affordable signs, as many of yours signs and locations will die off with natural attrition.

Also, using public locations rather than private properties where there is high foot traffic, will perform better than picking areas that are strictly residential.

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